QS-F-184-1 - QS-F-184-11 | A1.0-A11.0: Apiary Organic System Plan (All modules) | ZIP | English | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | english |
QS-F-184-1 - QS-F-184-11 | A1.0-A11.0: Plan del Sistema Organico de Colmenar (Todos los Modulos) | ZIP | Spanish | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | spanish |
MX-F-003-1 - MX-F-003-11 | A1.0-A11.0: Plan del Sistema Organico/Plan Orgánico de Colmenar (Todos los Modulos) (México) | ZIP | Spanish (MX) | apiary-osp-mexico certification-forms organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-184-1 | A1.0: Activities Checklist – Apiary | DOCX | English | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | english |
QS-F-184-1 | A1.0: Lista de verificación de actividades – Colmenar | DOCX | Spanish | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | spanish |
MX-F-003-1 | A1.0: Lista de verificación de actividades – Producción Animal Clase Insecta-Producción Apícola (México) | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | spanish-mx |
QS-F-184-10 | A10.0: Annual Summary of Organic Production and Sales – Apiary | DOC | English | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | english |
QS-F-184-10 | A10.0: Resumen anual de producción y ventas orgánicas – Colmenar | DOC | Spanish | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | spanish |
MX-F-003-10 | A10.0: Resumen anual de producción y ventas orgánicas – Colmenar (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | spanish-mx |
QS-F-184-11 | A11.0: Calificación y Gestión de Grupos Comunitarios de Productores | DOC | Spanish | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | spanish |
MX-F-003-11 | A11.0: Calificación y Gestión de Grupos Comunitarios de Productores (México) | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | spanish-mx |
QS-F-184-11 | A11.0: Grower Group Qualification and Management | DOCX | English | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | english |
QS-F-184-2 | A2.0: Descripción general de la producción de miel | DOC | Spanish | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | spanish |
MX-F-003-2 | A2.0: Descripción general de la producción de miel (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | spanish-mx |
QS-F-184-2 | A2.0: Honey Production Overview | DOC | English | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | english |
QS-F-184-3 | A3.0: Hive Management | DOC | English | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | english |
QS-F-184-3 | A3.0: Manejo de colmenas | DOC | Spanish | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | spanish |
MX-F-003-3 | A3.0: Manejo de colmenas (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | apiary-osp-mexico certification-forms organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
MX-F-003-4 | A4.0: Alimento-Áreas de Pecoreo (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | apiary-osp-mexico certification-forms organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-184-4 | A4.0: Alimento/Áreas de Pecoreo | DOC | Spanish | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | spanish |
QS-F-184-4 | A4.0: Feed-Forage Areas | DOC | English | apiary-osp certification-forms organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-184-5 | A5.0: Cosecha y extracción de la miel | DOC | Spanish | apiary-osp certification-forms organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-003-5 | A5.0: Cosecha y extracción de la miel (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | apiary-osp-mexico certification-forms organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-184-5 | A5.0: Honey Harvest and Extraction | DOC | English | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | english |
QS-F-184-6 | A6.0: Manejo posterior a la cosecha | DOC | Spanish | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | spanish |
MX-F-003-6 | A6.0: Manejo posterior a la cosecha (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | apiary-osp-mexico certification-forms organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-184-6 | A6.0: Post Harvest Handling | DOC | English | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | english |
QS-F-184-7 | A7.0: Lista de materiales | DOC | Spanish | apiary-osp certification-forms organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-003-7 | A7.0: Lista de materiales (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | apiary-osp-mexico certification-forms organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-184-7 | A7.0: Materials List | DOC | English | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | english |
QS-F-184-8 | A8.0: Recordkeeping System | DOCX | English | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | english |
QS-F-184-8 | A8.0: Sistema de mantenimiento de registros | DOCX | Spanish | apiary-osp certification-forms organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-003-8 | A8.0: Sistema de mantenimiento de registros (México) | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | apiary-osp-mexico certification-forms organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-184-9 | A9.0: Colmenar – Unión Europea y GB(RU) | DOC | Spanish | apiary-osp certification-forms organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-003-9 | A9.0: Colmenar – Unión Europea, GB(RU), y LPO (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | apiary-osp-mexico certification-forms organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-184-9 | A9.0: EU & UK – Apiary | DOC | English | apiary-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | english |
QS-M-028 | Acreage Fee FAQ | PDF | English | chapter-membership guidance staff-forms | english |
QS-F-020 | Acuerdo de Certificacion con JAS | PDF | Spanish | certification-forms jas-application | spanish |
QS-F-047 | Acuerdo de Licencia de Etiqueta Privada | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
QS-F-012 | Acuerdo de Licencia del Operador (ALO) | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
QS-F-016 | Acuerdo del Grupo Comunitario de Productores (CGG) Para el Sistema de Control Interno | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms | spanish |
QS-F-088 | Additional Processed Product/Production Line/Program Affidavit | DOCX | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
QS-F-224 | Additional Processed Product/Production Line/Program Affidavit (Canada) | DOCX | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
QS-F-087 | Additional Product-Program Affidavit | DOCX | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
QS-F-223 | Additional Product-Program Affidavit (Canada) | DOCX | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
NQ-F-016 | Adjoining Land Use Affidavit | DOC | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
NQ-F-105 | Ammonia Level Monitoring Form | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
MX-F-012 | Anexo de certificado – información de los miembros del CGG (LPO) | XLSX | Spanish (MX) | miscellaneous-forms | spanish-mx |
NQ-F-048 | Annual JAS Grading Report for Farm Products | DOCX | | miscellaneous-forms | |
NQ-F-049 | Annual JAS Grading Report for Processed Foods | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
QS-F-172 | Apendice del Plan del Sistema Organico de Cafe de Sombra – Procesador | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
QS-F-144 | Apendice del Plan del Sistema Organico para la Produccion de Café de Sombra | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
NQ-F-082 | Applicant Crop File Submission Checklist | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
NQ-F-086 | Applicant Crop File Submission Checklist (Canada) | DOCX | English | other-forms certification-forms | english |
NQ-F-083 | Applicant Grower Group (Crop) File Submission Checklist | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
QS-F-067 | Application for Document Review | DOC | English | certification-forms | english |
LA-F-001 | Autorización de Certificado de Transacción (ACT) – Latinoamérica | DOCX | Spanish | transaction-certificate | spanish |
MX-F-020 | Autorización de Certificado de Transacción (ACT) – Mexico | DOCX | Spanish | export-documents miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
PE-F-002 | Autorización de Certificado de Transacción (ACT) – Perú | DOCX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
NQ-M-109 | Average Dry Matter Percentages for Various Livestock Feeds | PDF | English | program-guidance standards-bylaws | english |
NQ-F-017 | Bill of Lading | DOC | English | certification-forms | english |
NQ-F-018 | Bin Register | DOC | English | certification-forms | english |
QS-F-074 | Board of Directors Nomination Form | DOC | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
EN-QS-F-068 | Board-Committee Board Information Form | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
NQ-F-019 | Buffer Strip Record | DOC | English | certification-forms | english |
QS-P-023 | Bylaws Amendment Form and Instructions | DOC | English | miscellaneous-forms standards-bylaws | english |
QS-F-181-1 - QS-F-181-19 | C1.0-19.0: Plan del Sistema Orgánico de Producción de Cultivos (Todos los módulos) | ZIP | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-005-1 - MX-F-005-19 | C1.0-19.0: Plan del Sistema Orgánico/Plan Orgánico de Producción de Cultivos (Todos los módulos) (México) | ZIP | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-181-1 - QS-F-181-19 | C1.0-C19.0: Crop Production Organic System Plan (All modules) | ZIP | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-181-1 - QS-F-181-19 | C1.0-C19.0: Crop Production Organic System Plan (All modules) – Japan | ZIP | Japanese | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | japanese |
QS-F-181-1 | C1.0: Activities Checklist – Crop Production | DOCX | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-181-1 | C1.0: Lista de verificación de actividades – Producción de cultivos | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-005-1 | C1.0: Lista de verificación de actividades – Producción Vegetalde cultivos (México) | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
MX-F-005-10 | C10.0 Manejo de la Producción Vegetalde Cultivos en Pos Cosecha (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-181-10 | C10.0: Crop Post Harvest Handling | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-181-10 | C10.0: Manejo del Cultivo en Pos Cosecha | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-005-11 | C11.0 Lista de Materiales (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-181-11 | C11.0: Lista de Materiales | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
QS-F-181-11 | C11.0: Materials List | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
MX-F-005-12 | C12.0 Mantenimiento de Registros, Auditoria de Trayectoria y Etiquetado (México) | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-181-12 | C12.0: Mantenimiento de Registros, Auditoria de Trayectoria y Etiquetado | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
QS-F-181-12 | C12.0: Recordkeeping, Audit Trail and Labeling | DOCX | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-181-13 | C13.0: Cosecha de Cultivos Silvestres | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-005-13 | C13.0: Cosecha de Cultivos/Vegetales Silvestres o Productos de Recolección (México) | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-181-13 | C13.0: Wild Crop Harvest | DOCX | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-181-13.1 | C13.1: Collection Sites | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-181-13.1 | C13.1: Sitios de Recolección | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-005-13-1 | C13.1: Sitios de Recolección (México) | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-181-14 | C14.0: Greenhouse-Garden Crop Production | DOCX | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-181-14 | C14.0: Producción de Cultivos de Invernadero y de Huerto | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-005-14 | C14.0: Producción de Vegetales/Cultivos de Invernadero y de Huerto (México) | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
MX-F-005-15 | C15.0 Producción de Café (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-181-15 | C15.0: Coffee Production | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-181-15 | C15.0: Producción de Café | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-005-16 | C16.0 Calificación y Gestión de Grupos Comunitarios de Productores (México) | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-181-16 | C16.0: Calificación y Gestión de Grupos Comunitarios de Productores | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
QS-F-181-16 | C16.0: Grower Group Qualification and Management | DOCX | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-181-17 | C17.0: EU & UK – Crop Production | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
MX-F-005-17 | C17.0: Programas Internacionales – Producción Vegetal/de Cultivos (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-181-17 | C17.0: Unión Europea/GB(RU) – Producción de Cultivos | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-005-18 | C18.0 Producción de la Clase FungiHongosRetoños (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-181-18 | C18.0: Mushroom-Sprout Production | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-181-18 | C18.0: Producción de Hongos/Retoños | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-005-19 | C19.0 Resumen Anual de Producción y Ventas Orgánicas – Producción Vegtalde Cultivos (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-181-19 | C19.0: Annual Summary of Organic Production and Sales – Crop Production | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-181-19 | C19.0: Resumen Anual de Producción y Ventas Orgánicas – Producción de Cultivos | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
QS-F-181-2 | C2.0: Crop Production Overview | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-181-2 | C2.0: Descripción general de producción de cultivos | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-005-2 | C2.0: Descripción general de producción de vegetal/de cultivos (México) | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | english |
MX-F-005-3 | C3.0 Prácticas de Manejo de Recursos Naturales (México) | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish |
QS-F-181-3 | C3.0: Natural Resource Management Practices | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-181-3 | C3.0: Prácticas de Manejo de Recursos Naturales | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-005-4 | C4.0 Prevención de Contaminación y Mezcla (México) | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-181-4 | C4.0: Prevención de Contaminación y Mezcla | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
QS-F-181-4 | C4.0: Prevention of Commingling and Contamination | DOCX | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
MX-F-005-5 | C5.0 Uso de Tierras Colindantes (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-181-5 | C5.0: Adjoining Land Use | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-181-5 | C5.0: Uso de Tierras Colindantes | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
QS-F-181-6 | C6.0: Manejo del Suelo y la Rotación de Cultivos | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-005-6 | C6.0: Manejo del Suelo y la Rotación de Cultivos (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-181-6 | C6.0: Soil Management and Crop Rotation | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-181-7 | C7.0: Compost and Manure | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-181-7 | C7.0: Composta y Estiércol | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-005-7 | C7.0: Composta y Estiércol (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-181-8 | C8.0: Manejo de Plagas, Enfermedades y Malezas | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-005-8 | C8.0: Manejo de Plagas, Enfermedades y Malezas (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-181-8 | C8.0: Pest, Disease and Weed Management | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
MX-F-005-9 | C9.0 Semillas y Material de Propagación (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-181-9 | C9.0: Seed and Planting Stock | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-181-9 | C9.0: Semillas y Material de Propagación | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
QS-F-181-9.1 | C9.1: Micelios/Esporas y Semillas | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-005-9.1 | C9.1: Micelios/Esporas y Semillas (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-181-9.1 | C9.1: Spawn-Spores and Seed | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-198-1 - QS-F-198-10 | CA1.0-CA10.0: Apiary OSP – Canada (All modules) | ZIP | English | apiary-osp-canada certification-forms organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-198-1 | CA1.0: Activities Checklist – Apiary (Canada) | DOC | English | apiary-osp-canada certification-forms organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-198-10 | CA10.0: Annual Summary of Organic Production and Sales – Apiary (Canada) | DOC | English | apiary-osp-canada certification-forms organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-198-2 | CA2.0: Honey Production Overview (Canada) | DOC | English | apiary-osp-canada certification-forms organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-198-3 | CA3.0: Hive Management (Canada) | DOC | English | apiary-osp-canada certification-forms organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-198-4 | CA4.0: Feed-Forage Areas (Canada) | DOC | English | apiary-osp-canada certification-forms organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-198-5 | CA5.0: Honey Harvest and Extraction (Canada) | DOC | English | apiary-osp-canada certification-forms organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-198-6 | CA6.0: Post-Harvest Handling (Canada) | DOC | English | apiary-osp-canada certification-forms organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-198-7 | CA7.0: Materials List (Canada) | DOC | English | apiary-osp-canada certification-forms organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-198-8 | CA8.0: Recordkeeping System (Canada) | DOC | English | apiary-osp-canada certification-forms organic-system-plans-canada | english |
NQ-F-094 | Cálculo de Honorarios por Certificación para Asociados Directos para Nuevo Solicitante | DOCX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-014 | Cálculo de Honorarios por Certificación para Asociados Directos que Renuevan | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms | spanish |
QS-F-194-1 - QS-F-194-16 | CC1.0-CC16.0: Crop Production OSP – Canada (All modules) | ZIP | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-194-1 | CC1.0: Activities Checklist – Crop Production (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-194-10 | CC10.0: Crop Post Harvest Handling (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-194-11 | CC11.0: Materials List (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-194-12 | CC12.0: Recordkeeping, Audit Trail and Labeling (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-194-13 | CC13.0: Wild Crop Harvest (including Aquaculture) (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-194-13-1 | CC13.1 Collection Sites (Canada) | DOCX | English | crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada certification-forms | english |
QS-F-194-14 | CC14.0: Greenhouse and Garden Crop Production (Canada) | DOCX | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-194-15 | CC15.0: Mushroom-Sprout Production (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-194-16 | CC16.0: Annual Summary of Organic Production and Sales – Crop Production (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-194-2 | CC2.0: Crop Production Overview (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-194-3 | CC3.0: Natural Resource Management Practices (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-194-4 | CC4.0: Prevention of Commingling & Contamination (Canada) | DOCX | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-194-4.1 | CC4.1: Parallel Production (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-194-5 | CC5.0: Adjoining Land Use (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-194-6 | CC6.0: Soil Management and Crop Rotation (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-194-7 | CC7.0: Compost and Manure (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-194-8 | CC8.0: Pest, Disease and Weed Management (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-194-9 | CC9.0: Seed and Planting Stock (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-194-9.1 | CC9.1: Spawn-Spores and Seed (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-216 | Certification Application | DOCX | English | certification-forms organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-217 | Certification Application (Canada) | DOCX | English | certification-forms organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-216 | Certification Application (Japan) | DOCX | Japanese | certification-forms | japanese |
NQ-F-059CA | Certification Fee Calculation Worksheet for Direct Associates – Canada | DOCX | English | certification-forms organic-system-plans-canada | english |
NQ-F-094 | Certification Fee Calculation Worksheet for New Applicant Direct Associates | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
NQ-F-014 | Certification Fee Calculation Worksheet for Returning Direct Associates | DOCX | English | certification-forms | english |
QS-F-016 | CGG Agreement for Internal Control System | DOC | English | certification-forms | english |
QS-F-197-1 - QS-F-197-15 | CH1.0-CH14.0: Handling OSP – Canada (All modules) | ZIP | English | certification-forms handling-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-197-1 | CH1.0: Activities Checklist – Handling (Canada) | DOCX | English | certification-forms handling-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-197-10 | CH10.0: Transportation (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-197-11 | CH11.0: Recordkeeping System (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-197-12 | CH12.0: Brokering (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-197-14 | CH14.0: Annual Summary of Organic Production and Sales – Handling (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-197-15 | CH15.0: International Agreements (Canada) | DOCX | English | handling-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | english |
QS-F-197-2 | CH2.0: Product-Service List (Canada) | DOCX | English | certification-forms handling-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-197-3 | CH3.0: Ingredients (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-197-3.1 | CH3.1: Commercial Availability (Canada) | DOCX | English | handling-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | english |
QS-F-197-4 | CH4.0: Water (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-197-5 | CH5.0: Pest Management (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-197-5.1 | CH5.1: Pest Control Substances (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-197-6 | CH6.0: Assurance of Organic Integrity (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-197-7 | CH7.0: Sanitation (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-197-8 | CH8.0: Storage (Canada) | DOCX | English | certification-forms handling-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-197-9 | CH9.0: Packaging and Labeling (Canada) | DOCX | English | certification-forms handling-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
MX-F-017 | Checklist de Recertificación – Producción Vegetal/de Cultivos (México) | DOC | Spanish | crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico certification-forms | spanish |
MX-F-018 | Checklist de Recertificación Programa Orgánico de México – Manejo (México) | DOC | Spanish | handling-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico certification-forms | spanish |
QS-F-195-1 - QS-F-195-11 | CL1.0-CL11.0: Livestock OSP – Canada (All modules) | ZIP | English | certification-forms livestock-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-195-1 | CL1.0: Activities Checklist – Livestock (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-195-10 | CL10.0: Livestock Annexes (Canada) | DOCX | English | certification-forms livestock-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-195-11 | CL11.0: Annual Summary of Organic Production and Sales – Livestock (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-195-2 | CL2.0: Livestock Plan Management (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-195-2.1 | CL2.1: Mixed Livestock Production (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-195-3 | CL3.0: Livestock Origin and Identification Systems (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-195-4 | CL4.0: Livestock Feed (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-195-4.1 | CL4.1: Forage Management Plan (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-195-5 | CL5.0: Health Care Practice (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-195-6 | CL6.0: Living Conditions (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-195-7 | CL7.0: Transportation and Slaughter (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-195-8 | CL8.0: Dairy, Egg, and Animal Fiber Production (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-195-9 | CL9.0: Recordkeeping System (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-196-1 - QS-F-196-9 | CM1.0-CM9.0: Maple Production OSP – Canada (All modules) | ZIP | English | certification-forms organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-196-1 | CM1.0: Activities Checklist – Maple Production (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms maple-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-196-2 | CM2.0: Maple Production Overview (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms maple-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-196-3 | CM3.0: Sugar Bush (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms maple-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-196-4 | CM4.0: Sap Collection (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms maple-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-196-5 | CM5.0: Sap to Syrup Conversion (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms maple-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-196-6 | CM6.0: Finished Product (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms maple-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-196-7 | CM7.0: Storage and Transport (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms maple-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-196-8 | CM8.0: Recordkeeping System (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms maple-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-196-9 | CM9.0: Annual Summary of Organic Production and Sales – Maple Production (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms maple-production-canada organic-system-plans-canada | english |
EXT-M-001 | CÓDIGO DE ÉTICA Y CONDUCTA PARA LOS ÓRGANOS DE COADYUVANCIA | PDF | Spanish (MX) | miscellaneous-forms | spanish-mx |
NQ-F-022 | Combine Clean-Out Affidavit | DOC | English | certification-forms | english |
QS-P-039 | Committee Member Training Policy | DOC | English | policies-procedures | english |
NQ-F-057 | Community Grower Group (CGG) Member Information Form | XLS | English | certification-forms | english |
QS-F-069 | Complaints Form | DOC | English | certification-forms | english |
QS-F-141 | Confidentiality Agreement | DOC | English | staff-forms | english |
QS-F-071 | Conflict of Interest Annual Declaration | DOC | English | chapter-licensing chapter-membership forms-reports inspection staff-forms | english |
NQ-F-017 | Conocimiento de Embarque | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms | spanish |
QS-F-017 | Contract Application | DOC | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
NQ-F-077 | Conversion Plan | | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
| COR Certified Operator List | PDF | English | | english |
NQ-M-122 | COR Off-Farm Manure/Animal Bedding Affidavit | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
INT-F-009 | COR Organic Processing Notification Form | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
QS-F-174 | Cuestionario de OCIA sobre Saborizantes Naturales | DOCX | Spanish | | spanish |
INT-F-005 | Declaración de Almacenamiento Externo | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
INT-F-007 | Declaración de almacenamiento fuera de sitio – fincas | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-002 | Declaracion de Renuncia | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
QS-F-029 | Declaracion Jurada de Etiqueta Modificada | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-020 | Declaracion Jurada de Limpieza de Cosechadora | DOC | Spanish | | spanish |
NQ-F-028 | Declaracion Jurada de Limpieza de Transporte Fuera de la Finca | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
INT-F-008 | Declaración Jurada de Manejador Exento (EHA) | DOCX | | miscellaneous-forms | |
QS-F-227 | Declaración Jurada de Materiales No Orgánicos NOP para Procesamiento | DOCX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-027 | Declaracion Jurada de No-GMO y-o Declaración de Tratamientos de Semillas | DOC | Spanish | | spanish |
QS-F-088 | Declaracion Jurada de Productos Procesados, Lineas de Produccion o Programas Adicionales | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
QS-F-087 | Declaracion Jurada de Productos-Programas Adicionales | DOCX | Spanish | | spanish |
QS-F-220 | Declaración Jurada del Fabricante de Disponibilidad Comercial de Sabor | DOCX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-001 | Declaracion Jurada del Uso Previo de la Tierra | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-016 | Declaracion Jurada para el Uso de la Tierra Colindante | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-M-101 | Declaración Jurada para Estiércol y Cama de Animales de fuera de la Finca | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-002 | Declaration of Cancellation/Surrender | DOCX | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
QS-M-017 | Diagrama de Flujo del Proceso para Solicitud de Certificación de JAS | PDF | Spanish | policies-procedures | spanish |
NQ-M-117 | Diagrama de Flujo Organizacional de OCIA International A. C. (LPO) | PDF | Spanish | policies-procedures | spanish |
QS-P-051 | Directrices de OCIA para Visitas de Integridad | PDF | Spanish | chapter-membership guidance-inspection guidance inspection | spanish |
NQ-M-023 | Directrices para Inspeccionar Cosechas de Plantas Silvestres | DOC | Spanish | guidance-inspection inspection | spanish |
NQ-M-105 | Documento de orientación para la evaluación de la equivalencia de los sistemas de certificación de grupos de productores orgánicos aplicada en países en vías de desarrollo | PDF | Spanish | chapter-membership guidance-inspection guidance inspection | spanish |
NQ-F-065 | Dry Matter Intake (DMI) Calculation Worksheet | XLSX | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
NQ-M-108 | Dry Matter Intake (DMI) Calculation Worksheet | PDF | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
NQ-M-106 | Dry Matter Intake (DMI) Calculation Worksheet – Example | PDF | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
NQ-M-107 | Dry Matter Intake (DMI) Calculation Worksheet Using Body Weight Values | PDF | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
QS-F-072 | Elections Voting Proxy Form | DOC | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
QS-F-073 | Electronic Signature Form (E-sign) | DOC | English | forms-reports inspection miscellaneous-forms | english |
QS-M-003 | Estandares Internacionales de Certificacion de OCIA | PDF | Spanish | ocia standards-bylaws | spanish |
QS-M-002 | Estatutos de OCIA | PDF | Spanish | ocia standards-bylaws | spanish |
| EU Certified List | PDF | English | | english |
NQ-F-108 | EU Derogation Request Form | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
NQ-M-105 | EU Guidance for Community Grower Groups | PDF | English | guidance-inspection inspection | english |
| EU Surrendered | PDF | English | uncategorized | english |
NQ-F-069 | EU, UK Equivalency, and RTPO Seed Exemption Request Form | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
| Eurofins Genescan (GMO) Sample Analysis Request Form | PDF | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
| Eurofins Sample Analysis Request Form | PDF | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
QS-F-086 | Evaluación del Inspector por los Asociados – OCIA | DOC | Spanish | forms-reports inspection | spanish |
MX-F-016 | Evaluación del Riesgo LPO | XLSX | Spanish (MX) | forms-reports inspection | spanish-mx |
INT-F-008 | Exempt Handler Affidavit (EHA) | DOCX | | miscellaneous-forms | |
NQ-F-064 | Factura JAS – OCIA Japón | DOC | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
MX-F-013 | Factura por Cuotas de Certificación (Mexico) | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | miscellaneous-forms | spanish-mx |
PE-F-001 | Factura por Cuotas de Certificación (Peru) | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-023 | Farm Equipment Clean-Out Record | DOC | English | certification-forms | english |
NQ-F-024 | Farm Input Record | DOC | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
NQ-F-025 | Farm Sales Record Summary | DOC | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
NQ-F-026 | Field History Form | DOC | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
QS-F-226 | File Transfer Request & Checklist | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
QS-F-175 | File Transfer Request Form | DOC | English | | english |
QS-F-219 | Flavor Commercial Availability Form Organic Search | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
QS-F-220 | Flavor Commercial Availability Manufacturer Affidavit | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
QS-F-218 | Flavor Commercial Availability Plan | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
NQ-F-026 | Forma de Historial de Campo | DOC | Spanish | | spanish |
QS-F-068 | Forma de Informacion de Comite-Junta Directiva | DOCX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
QS-F-219 | Formulario de Búsqueda Orgánica y su Disponibiliad Comercial | DOCX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-106 | Formulario de Información de Reinstalación | DOCX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
QS-F-069 | Formulario de Queja | DOC | Spanish | | spanish |
QS-F-225 | Formulario de Solicitud para Variaciones NOP | DOCX | | miscellaneous-forms | |
NQ-F-088 | Formulario para información de revisión de materiales | DOCX | | miscellaneous-forms | |
NQ-F-062 | Formulario para la Solicitud de Revisión de Materiales del Fabricante | DOC | Spanish | | spanish |
NQ-C-129 | Formulario para Solicitud de Mediación | DOCX | Spanish | | spanish |
QS-F-192 | Forumulario de la Registrada para la Etiqueta Privada | DOC | Spanish | | spanish |
NQ-M-022 | GMO Protection Guidelines | DOC | English | | english |
NQ-F-070 | Grazing Days/ Grazing Season Record | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
| Guatemala Certified List | PDF | Spanish | | spanish |
NQ-M-044 | Guidance on EU Organic and Non-Organic Production | DOC | English | guidance-inspection inspection | english |
NQ-T-002 | Guidance on Implementing an Audit Trail – for Producers | DOC | English | | english |
NQ-M-120 | Guidance on UK Split and Parallel Production | DOC | English | policies-procedures | english |
QS-F-185-1 - QS-F-185-14 | H1.0-14.0: Plan del Sistema Orgánico para Manejo (Todos los módulos) | ZIP | Spanish | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-006-1 - MX-F-006-15 | H1.0-14.0: Plan del Sistema Orgánico/Plan Orgánico para Manejo (Todos los módulos) (México) | ZIP | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms handling-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-185-1 - QS-F-185-14 | H1.0-H14.0: Handling Organic System Plan (All modules) | ZIP | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-185-1 - QS-F-185-14 | H1.0-H14.0: Handling Organic System Plan (All modules) – Japan | ZIP | Japanese | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | japanese |
QS-F-185-1 | H1.0: Activities Checklist – Handling | DOCX | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-185-1 | H1.0: Lista de Verificación de Actividades – Manejo | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-006-1 | H1.0: Lista de Verificación de Actividades – Manejo (Procesamiento y Comercialización) (México) | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms handling-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish |
QS-F-185-10 | H10.0: Transportación | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-006-10 | H10.0: Transportación (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms handling-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-185-10 | H10.0: Transportation | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-185-11 | H11.0: Recordkeeping System | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-185-11 | H11.0: Sistema de Conservación de Registros | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-006-11 | H11.0: Sistema de Conservación de Registros (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms handling-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-185-12 | H12.0: Brokering | DOCX | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-185-12 | H12.0: Comercialización | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-006-12 | H12.0: Comercialización (México) | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms handling-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-185-13 | H13.0: EU – Handling | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
MX-F-006-13 | H13.0: Programas Internacionales – Manejo (México) | DOC | Spanish, Spanish (MX) | certification-forms handling-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish spanish-mx |
QS-F-185-13 | H13.0: Unión Europea/GB(RU) – Manejo | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
QS-F-185-14 | H14.0: Annual Summary of Organic Production and Sales – Handling | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-185-14 | H14.0: Resumen Anual de Producción Orgánica y Ventas – Manejo | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-006-14 | H14.0: Resumen Anual de Producción Orgánica y Ventas – Manejo (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms handling-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-185-15 | H15.0: Acuerdos internacionales | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-006-015 | H15.0: Acuerdos Internacionales (México) | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish-mx |
QS-F-185-15 | H15.0: International Agreements | DOCX | English | handling-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | english |
QS-F-185-16 | H16.0 Temporary Livestock Management (NOP) | DOCX | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
MX-F-006-2 | H2.0 List of Products/Services (México) | DOCX | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
MX-F-006-2 | H2.0 Lista de Productos/Servicios (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms handling-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-185-2 | H2.0: Lista de Productos-Servicios | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
QS-F-185-2 | H2.0: Product/Service List | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-185-3 | H3.0: Ingredientes | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-006-3 | H3.0: Ingredientes (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms handling-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-185-3 | H3.0: Ingredients | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-185-3-1 | H3.1 Disponibilidad Comercial | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
QS-F-185-3-1 | H3.1: Commercial Availability | DOCX | English | handling-osp organic-system-plans certification-forms | english |
MX-F-006-3-1 | H3.1: Disponibilidad Comercial (México) | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish-mx |
QS-F-185-4 | H4.0: Agua | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-006-4 | H4.0: Agua (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms handling-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-185-4 | H4.0: Water | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-185-5 | H5.0: Manejo de Plagas | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-006-5 | H5.0: Manejo de Plagas (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms handling-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-185-5 | H5.0: Pest Management | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-185-5.1 | H5.1: Pest Control Substances | DOCX | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-185-5.1 | H5.1: Sustancias para el Control de Plagas | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-006-5.1 | H5.1: Sustancias para el Control de Plagas (México) | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms handling-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
MX-F-006-6 | H6.0 Garantía de la Integridad Orgánica (México) | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms handling-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish |
QS-F-185-6 | H6.0: Assurance of Organic Integrity | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-185-6 | H6.0: Garantía de la Integridad Orgánica | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
QS-F-185-7 | H7.0: Saneamiento | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-006-7 | H7.0: Saneamiento (México) | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms handling-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-185-7 | H7.0: Sanitation | DOCX | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-185-8 | H8.0: Almacenamiento | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-006-8 | H8.0: Almacenamiento (México) | DOC | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms handling-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-185-8 | H8.0: Storage | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-185-9 | H9.0: Envasado y Etiquetado | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-006-9 | H9.0: Envasado y Etiquetado (México) | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms handling-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-185-9 | H9.0: Packaging and Labeling | DOCX | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
EXT-S-001 | IACB Equivalent European Union Organic Production & Processing Standard for Third Countries | PDF | English | eu standards-bylaws | english |
NQ-C-044 | Informacion sobre Licencia Propia para Procesadores-Manejadores | PDF | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-C-045 | Informacion sobre Licencia Propia para Registrados | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms staff-letters | spanish |
NQ-C-110CA | Information Update Regarding Contracted Service Providers and Attestation of Compliance | DOC | English | certification-forms other-forms staff-letters | english |
NQ-F-101 | Informe de Deriva por Aspersión | DOCX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
QS-F-101 | Informe de Inspección JAS para Fincas y CGG | DOC | Spanish | forms-reports inspection | spanish |
QS-F-116 | Informe de Inspección JAS para Procesadores y Reempacadores | DOC | Spanish | forms-reports inspection | spanish |
QS-F-046 | Ingredientes de Productos Organicos | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms | spanish |
QS-F-060 | Inspector Application | DOC | English | forms-reports inspection | english |
QS-F-086 | Inspector Evaluation by Associates | DOC | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
NQ-F-079 | Inspector Inspection Report Submission Checklist | DOCX | English | | english |
QS-P-032 | Instrucciones para Propuestas de Estandares | RTF | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
EXT-S-001 | Japanese translation of EU regulations | PDF | Japanese | standards-bylaws | japanese |
QS-M-017 | JAS Application Certification Process Flow Diagram | PDF | English | certification-forms jas-application standards-bylaws | english |
QS-F-020 | JAS Certification Agreement | PDF | English | certification-forms jas-application | english |
QS-F-022 | JAS Certification Application for Farmers – OCIA Japan | DOC | English | certification-forms jas-application | english |
QS-F-025 | JAS Certification Application for Processors – OCIA Japan | DOC | English | certification-forms jas-application | english |
QS-F-027 | JAS Certification Application for Repackers – OCIA Japan | DOC | English | certification-forms jas-application | english |
QS-F-026 | JAS Certification Renewal Application | DOC | English | certification-forms jas-application | english |
NQ-F-053 | JAS Grading Labeling Record for Repackers | DOC | English | certification-forms jas-application | english |
NQ-F-051 | JAS Grading Record for Community Grower Groups | DOC | English | certification-forms jas-application | english |
NQ-F-052 | JAS Grading Record for Farms | DOC | English | certification-forms jas-application | english |
NQ-F-050 | JAS Grading Record for Processors | DOC | English | certification-forms jas-application | english |
NQ-F-064 | JAS Invoice – OCIA Japan | DOC | English | certification-forms jas-application | english |
NQ-F-064CA | JAS Invoice – OCIA Japan (Canada) | DOC | English | certification-forms jas-application organic-system-plans-canada | english |
EXT-S-002 | Junta Nacional de Normas Orgánicas Comité de ganadería Recomendación de apicultura orgánica | PDF | Spanish | apiary-osp-canada organic-system-plans-canada program-guidance standards-bylaws certification-forms | spanish |
QS-F-183-1 - QS-F-183-11 | L1.0-L11.0: Livestock Organic System Plan (All modules) | ZIP | English | certification-forms livestock-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-183-1 | L1.0: Activities Checklist – Livestock | DOCX | English | certification-forms livestock-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-183-10 | L10.0: Livestock Annexes | DOCX | English | certification-forms livestock-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-183-11 | L11.0: Annual Summary of Organic Production and Sales – Livestock | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-183-2 | L2.0: Livestock Plan Management | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-183-2.1 | L2.1: Mixed Livestock Production | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-183-3 | L3.0: Livestock Origin and Identification System | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-183-4 | L4.0: Livestock Feed | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-183-4.1 | L4.1: NOP Pasture Management Plan | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-183-5 | L5.0: Health Care Practice | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-183-6 | L6.0: Living Conditions | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-183-7 | L7.0: Transportation and Slaughter | DOCX | English | certification-forms livestock-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-183-8 | L8.0: Dairy, Egg and Animal Fiber Production | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-183-9 | L9.0: Recordkeeping System | DOCX | English | certification-forms livestock-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-P-089 | Labeling Requirements and Using the PNOR (RTPO) Seal | PDF | English | policies-procedures | english |
NQ-M-040 | Lineamientos Organicos para Vegetales Marinos Silvestres | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms forms-reports inspection | spanish |
NQ-M-022 | Lineamientos para Proteccion contra GMOs | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms | spanish |
NQ-M-044 | Lineamientos sobre la Producción Orgánica UE y no Orgánica UE | DOC | Spanish | policies-procedures | spanish |
NQ-F-102 | Lineamientos y Reconocimiento del Certificado de importación NOP (NOPIC) de OCIA 2025 | DOCX | Spanish | export-documents miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
LA-M-001 | Lisa de chequeo de documentos | PDF | | miscellaneous-forms | |
NQ-F-079 | Lista de Chequeo para Envío del Informe de Inspección | DOCX | Spanish | forms-reports inspection | spanish |
QS-P-021 | Lista de Verif de Proteccion contra GMOs – Inspectores Operaciones Finca y | DOC | Spanish | chapter-membership guidance inspection | spanish |
NQ-F-083 | Lista de Verificación de Expediente para Primera Solicitud De Grupo Comunitario de Productores (Cultivo) | DOCX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-084 | Lista de Verificación de Expediente para Renovación de Cultivo | DOCX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-085 | Lista de Verificación de Expediente para Renovación de Grupo Comunitario de Productores (Cultivo) | DOCX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-082 | Lista de Verificación Expediente para Primera Solicitud de Cultivo | DOCX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
INT-F-003 | Lista de Verificación para Solicitud de Nuevo Producto | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-071 | Livestock Feeding Record | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
NQ-F-055 | Livestock Health Record | DOC | English | certification-forms livestock-osp organic-system-plans | english |
NQ-F-090 | Livestock Lists | XLSX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
NQ-F-020 | Log For Complaints Against the Certified Operator | DOC | English | certification-forms miscellaneous-forms | english |
| LPO Certified Operator List | PDF | Spanish (MX) | | spanish-mx |
QS-P-088 | LPO Política de Recertificación | DOC | Spanish | policies-procedures | spanish |
QS-P-088 | LPO Re-certification Policy | DOC | English | policies-procedures | english |
MX-F-019 | LPO Solicitud de Exención de Semillas o material de propagación | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | miscellaneous-forms | spanish-mx |
| LPO Surrendered | PDF | Spanish (MX) | uncategorized | spanish-mx |
QS-F-182-1 - QS-F-182-10 | M1.0-M10.0: Maple Production Organic System Plan (All modules) | ZIP | English | certification-forms maple-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-182-1 | M1.0: Maple Production Activities Checklist | DOCX | English | certification-forms maple-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-182-10 | M10.0: Annual Summary of Organic Production and Sales – Maple Production | DOC | English | certification-forms maple-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-182-2 | M2.0: Maple Production Overview | DOC | English | certification-forms maple-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-182-3 | M3.0: Sugar Bush | DOC | English | certification-forms maple-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-182-4 | M4.0: Sap Collection | DOC | English | certification-forms maple-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-182-5 | M5.0: Sap to Syrup Conversion | DOC | English | certification-forms maple-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-182-6 | M6.0: Finished Product | DOC | English | certification-forms maple-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-182-7 | M7.0: Storage and Transport | DOC | English | certification-forms maple-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-182-8 | M8.0: Recordkeeping System | DOCX | English | certification-forms maple-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-182-9 | M9.0: EU – Maple Production | DOC | English | certification-forms maple-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
NQ-F-062 | Manufacturer Material Review Request Form | DOC | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
NQ-F-088 | Material Review Information Form | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
NQ-C-129 | Mediation Request Form | DOCX | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
QS-F-178CA | Memorandum of Understanding for Contractual Services | DOC | English | certification-forms | english |
QS-F-178 | Memorandum of Understanding for Contractual Services and Questionnaire combined (COR) | DOC | English | certification-forms organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-029 | Modified Label Affidavit | DOC | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
EXT-S-002 | National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) Livestock Committee Organic Apiculture Recommendation | PDF | English | certification-forms livestock-osp ocia organic-system-plans policies-procedures standards-bylaws | english |
INT-F-003 | New Product Submission Checklist | DOCX | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
NQ-F-027 | Non-GMO Affidavit and-or Declaration of Seed Treatments | DOC | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
QS-F-228 | Non-Organic Ingredient Affidavit (NOP and COR) | DOCX | | miscellaneous-forms | |
NQ-F-074 | Non-Ruminants: Temporary Confinement/Outdoor Access Restriction Record | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
NQ-F-107 | NOP Import Certificate Request Form/Formulario de solicitud de certificado de importación NOP | DOCX | | export-documents miscellaneous-forms | |
NQ-F-093 | NOP Livestock Risk Assessment | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
QS-F-227 | NOP Non-Organic Processing Material Affidavit | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
| NOP Sampling Procedure for Residue Testing | PDF | English | policies-procedures | english |
QS-F-225 | NOP Variance Request Form | DOCX | | miscellaneous-forms | |
NQ-F-098 | OCIA — Plan para la Prevención de Fraude Orgánico | DOCX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-081 | OCIA 2025 Certificate of Inspection Guidelines and Acknowledgement | DOC | English | transaction-certificate transaction-certificate-tc | english |
NQ-F-081 | OCIA 2025 Lineamientos y Reconocimiento del Certificado de Inspección | DOC | Spanish | transaction-certificate transaction-certificate-tc | spanish |
NQ-F-102 | OCIA 2025 NOP Import Certificate (NOPIC) Guidelines and Acknowledgement | DOCX | English | export-documents miscellaneous-forms | english |
NQ-F-078 | OCIA Beekeeper Form | XLSX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
NQ-F-078 | OCIA Beekeeper Form | XLSX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
NQ-M-042 | OCIA Board of Directors Committees and Staff Organization | DOC | English | policies-procedures | english |
QS-M-002 | OCIA ByLaws | PDF | English | chapter-membership guidance | english |
NQ-F-076 | OCIA Certificate of Inspection Checklist | DOC | English | miscellaneous-forms transaction-certificate transaction-certificate-tc | english |
NQ-M-043 | OCIA Certification Manual | PDF | English | certification-forms chapter-membership forms-reports guidance inspection | english |
QS-M-026 | OCIA Fee Schedule | PDF | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
QS-P-051 | OCIA Integrity Visit Guidelines | PDF | English | certification-forms other-forms policies-procedures | english |
NQ-F-068 | OCIA Internacional Lista de Proveedores | XLSX | Spanish | certification-forms guidance-inspection inspection program-guidance standards-bylaws | spanish |
INT-F-004 | OCIA Internacional Lista de Proveedores UE/GB(RU) | XLSX | Spanish | certification-forms chapter-membership guidance | spanish |
NQ-F-103 | OCIA International – Registro de Inventario (entrante) | XLSX | Spanish | export-documents miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-103 | OCIA International (incoming) Inventory Record | XLSX | English | export-documents miscellaneous-forms | english |
QS-M-003 | OCIA International Certification Standards | PDF | English | certification-forms ocia standards-bylaws | english |
INT-F-004 | OCIA International EU/UK Supplier List | XLSX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
NQ-F-104 | OCIA International Sales Record (for Existing Extended NOPIC Certificates) | XLSX | English | export-documents miscellaneous-forms | english |
NQ-F-068 | OCIA International Supplier List | XLSX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
NQ-M-043 | OCIA Manual de Certificación | PDF | Spanish | policies-procedures | spanish |
QS-F-174 | OCIA Natural Flavor Questionnaire | DOCX | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
NQ-F-098 | OCIA Organic Fraud Prevention Plan | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
QS-F-177CA | OCIA Questionnaire for Contractual Service Provider (COR) | DOC | English | certification-forms organic-system-plans organic-system-plans-canada | english |
NQ-F-066 | OCIA Small Holder Bursary Program Member Application | PDF | English | miscellaneous-forms staff-forms | english |
NQ-F-076 | OCIA–Lista de Chequeo del Certificado de Inspección | DOC | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms transaction-certificate transaction-certificate-tc | spanish |
NQ-F-100 | Off-Farm Livestock Transportation Affidavit | DOCX | | miscellaneous-forms | |
NQ-M-101 | Off-Farm Manure/Animal Bedding Affidavit | DOC | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
NQ-F-028 | Off-Farm Transportation Cleaning Affidavit | DOC | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
INT-F-005 | Off-site Storage Affidavit | DOCX | English | certification-forms miscellaneous-forms other-forms | english |
INT-F-007 | Off-Site Storage Affidavit – Farms | DOCX | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
| ON-SITE PRECAUTIONS FOR INSPECTORS DUE TO COVID-19 | PDF | English | policies-procedures | english |
NQ-F-095 | Operator Corrective Action Plan | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
QS-F-012 | Operator Licensing Agreement (OLA) | DOCX | English | apiary-osp apiary-osp-canada apiary-osp-mexico certification-forms crop-production-canada crop-production-mexico crop-production-osp handling-canada handling-mexico handling-osp jas-application livestock-canada livestock-mexico livestock-osp maple-production-canada maple-production-mexico maple-production-osp organic-system-plans organic-system-plans-mexico other-forms organic-system-plans-canada | english |
QS-F-213 | Operator Licensing Agreement (OLA) (Canada) | DOCX | | certification-forms miscellaneous-forms organic-system-plans-canada | |
NQ-M-040 | Organic Guidelines for Wild Sea Vegetables | DOC | English | certification-forms guidance-inspection inspection other-forms | english |
QS-F-046 | Organic Product Ingredients (OPI) | DOC | English | certification-forms organic-system-plans-canada other-forms | english |
NQ-F-029 | Organic Seed Search and-or Purchase Record | DOC | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
PE-M-001 | ORGANIGRAMA DE OCIA INTERNATIONAL- Oficina Regional de OCIA International Perú S.A.C. (RTPO) | PDF | Spanish | policies-procedures | spanish |
NQ-M-119 | ORGANIGRAMA DE OCIA INTERNATIONAL- Oficina Sucursal en Guatemala | DOCX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
EXT-S-001 | Organismos de certificación acreditados internacionalmente Equivalente Norma de producción y procesamiento orgánico de la Unión Europea para terceros países traducción no oficial | PDF | Spanish | eu standards-bylaws | spanish |
NQ-M-119 | ORGANIZATIONAL CHART OF OCIA INTERNATIONAL- Branch Office in Guatemala | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
NQ-F-073 | Pasture Rotation/Grazing Schedule/Animal Movement Record | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
QS-M-022 | Peru REGLAMENTO TÉCNICO PARA LOS PRODUCTOS ORGANICOS | PDF | Spanish | program-guidance standards-bylaws | spanish |
NQ-F-095 | Plan de Acciones Correctivas del Operador | DOCX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-077 | Plan de conversión | | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
QS-F-218 | Plan de Disponibilidad Comercial de Sabor | DOCX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-057 | Planilla de Informacion del miembro del Grupo Comunitario (CGG) | XLSX | Spanish | certification-forms organic-system-plans-canada | spanish |
QS-P-023 | Planilla e Instrucciones para Enmiendas a Estatutos | DOC | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms standards-bylaws | spanish |
QS-F-074 | Planilla para la Nominación de la Junta Directiva de OCIA | DOC | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
| Política de Certificación de Grupo de Productores Comunitarios | PDF | Spanish | policies-procedures | spanish |
QS-P-031 | Politica de Certificacion para Cosecha de Plantas Silvestres | PDF | Spanish | certification-forms guidance-inspection inspection other-forms policies-procedures | spanish |
QS-P-029 | Política de Certificados de Transacción | DOC | Spanish | policies-procedures | spanish |
QS-P-068 | Politica para Inspecciones de OCIA | PDF | Spanish | chapter-membership guidance inspection policies-procedures | spanish |
NQ-F-001 | Prior Land Use Affidavit (PLUA) | DOCX | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
QS-F-047 | Private Label Licensing Agreement | DOC | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
QS-F-048 | Private Label Licensing Annual Application | DOC | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
NQ-C-044 | Private Label Licensing Information for Processors-Handlers | PDF | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
NQ-C-045 | Private Label Licensing Information for Registrants | PDF | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
QS-F-192 | Private Label Registrant Form | DOC | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |
NQ-F-066 | Programa de Becas de OCIA para Pequeños Productores Solicitud de Miembros | PDF | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms staff-forms | spanish |
QS-M-026 | Programa Maestro de Cuotas | PDF | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
MX-M-001 | Programa Maestro de Cuotas (LPO) | PDF | Spanish (MX) | policies-procedures | spanish-mx |
MX-F-017 | Recertification Checklist – Plant/Crop Production (México) | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico | english |
MX-F-018 | Recertification Checklist Mexico Organic Program – Handling (México) | DOC | English | handling-mexico organic-system-plans-mexico certification-forms | english |
NQ-F-031 | Registro Anual de Actividades de Parcela | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-029 | Registro de Busqueda y-o Venta de Semillas Organicas | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-052 | Registro de Clasificacion de JAS para Fincas | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-050 | Registro de Clasificacion de JAS para Procesadores | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-051 | Registro de Clasificion de JAS para Grupos Comunitarios de Productores (CGG) | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-018 | Registro de Contenedor | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-053 | Registro de Etiquetado de Clasificacion de JAS para Reempacadores | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-019 | Registro de Faja Amortiguadora | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-024 | Registro de Insumos de Finca | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-023 | Registro de Limpieza de Equipo de Finca | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-020 | Registro de Quejas contra Operadores Certificados | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-104 | Registro de ventas de OCIA Internacional (para certificados existentes NOPIC extendidos) | XLSX | Spanish | export-documents miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
NQ-F-106 | Reinstatement Information Form | DOCX | | miscellaneous-forms | |
NQ-F-084 | Renewing Crop File Submission Checklist | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
NQ-F-087 | Renewing Crop File Submission Checklist (Canada) | DOCX | English | other-forms certification-forms | english |
NQ-F-085 | Renewing Grower Group (Crop) File Submission Checklist | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
QS-F-077 | Request for Transaction Certificate Correction | DOC | English | transaction-certificate | english |
QS-P-089 | Requisitos de etiquetado y uso del sello RTPO | PDF | Spanish | policies-procedures | spanish |
NQ-F-025 | Resumen de Registros de Ventas de Finca | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
| RTPO (Peru) Certified Operator List | PDF | Spanish | | spanish |
| RTPO Suspended-Cancelled-Expired | PDF | English | | english |
NQ-F-075 | Ruminants: Temporary Confinement, Outdoor Access, and/or Pasture Grazing Restriction Record | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
NQ-C-065 | Sample Operator Request for Reinstatement Letter | DOCX | English | staff-letters | english |
NQ-C-057 | Seal Abuse Letter (Formerly Certified) | DOC | English | staff-letters | english |
QS-F-172 | Shade-Grown Coffee Organic System Plan Addendum – Processor | DOC | English | certification-forms handling-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-144 | Shade-Grown Coffee Organic System Plan Addendum – Production | DOC | English | certification-forms crop-production-osp organic-system-plans | english |
QS-F-048 | Solicitud Anual de Licencia de Etiqueta Privada | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
QS-F-216 | Solicitud de Certificación | DOCX | Spanish | certification-forms organic-system-plans | spanish |
MX-F-015 | Solicitud de Certificación (México) | DOCX | Spanish (MX) | certification-forms organic-system-plans-mexico | spanish-mx |
QS-F-022 | Solicitud de Certificación JAS para Agricultores – OCIA Japon | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms jas-application | spanish |
QS-F-025 | Solicitud de Certificacion JAS para Procesadores – OCIA Japon | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms jas-application | spanish |
QS-F-027 | Solicitud de Certificación JAS para Reempacadores – OCIA Japon | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms jas-application | spanish |
QS-F-077 | Solicitud de Correccion de Certificado de Transaccion | RTF | Spanish | certification-forms transaction-certificate | spanish |
QS-F-026 | Solicitud de Renovacion de Certificacion bajo JAS | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms jas-application | spanish |
QS-F-175 | Solicitud de Transferencia De Expediente | DOC | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
QS-F-226 | Solicitud de transferencia de expedientes & Lista de verificación | DOCX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
QS-F-067 | Solicitud para Revision de Documentos | DOC | Spanish | certification-forms other-forms | spanish |
NQ-C-0138 | Spray Applicator Organic Status Notification Letter | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
NQ-F-101 | Spray Drift Reporting Form | DOCX | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
QS-P-032 | Standards Submission Instructions | DOC | English | miscellaneous-forms | english |
CA-F-001 | Transaction Certificate Authorization (TCA) – Canada | DOCX | English | transaction-certificate | english |
JP-F-001 | Transaction Certificate Authorization (TCA) – Japan | DOCX | English | transaction-certificate | english |
US-F-001 | Transaction Certificate Authorization (TCA) – United States | DOCX | English | transaction-certificate | english |
QS-P-029 | Transaction Certificate Policy | DOC | English | transaction-certificate | english |
INT-F-001 | Transitional Program Application (Crops only) | DOCX | English | certification-forms crop-production-canada crop-production-osp organic-system-plans organic-system-plans-canada | english |
NQ-F-069 | UE (CE), GB (RU), y RTPO Solicitud de Exensión de Semillas | DOCX | Spanish, Spanish (MX) | miscellaneous-forms | spanish spanish-mx |
NQ-F-108 | UE Formato para la Solicitud de Derogación | DOCX | Spanish | miscellaneous-forms | spanish |
| UK Certified List | PDF | | uncategorized | |
QS-P-085 | Usando el distintivo nacional de productos organicos (DNPO) ley de productos organicos de Mexico (LPO) | PDF | Spanish | policies-procedures | spanish |
QS-P-081 | Usando el Logo Organico de la UE | DOC | Spanish | program-guidance standards-bylaws | spanish |
QS-P-034 | Usando el Sello de JAS | PDF | Spanish | certification-forms jas-application program-guidance standards-bylaws | spanish |
QS-P-033 | Usando el Sello del NOP (USDA) | PDF | Spanish | forms-reports inspection program-guidance standards-bylaws | spanish |
QS-P-080 | Using the Canada Organic Logo | PDF | English | program-guidance standards-bylaws | english |
QS-P-081 | Using the EU Organic Logo | DOC | English | program-guidance standards-bylaws | english |
QS-P-034 | Using the JAS Seal | PDF | English | program-guidance standards-bylaws | english |
QS-P-085 | Using the National Distinctive of Organic Products (DNPO) Law of Organic Products of Mexico (LPO) | PDF | English | chapter-membership guidance program-guidance standards-bylaws | english |
QS-P-033 | Using the NOP (USDA) Seal | PDF | English | program-guidance standards-bylaws | english |
QS-P-030 | Using the OCIA Seal | PDF | English | ocia program-guidance standards-bylaws | english |
QS-P-030 | Uso del Sello de OCIA | PDF | Spanish | program-guidance standards-bylaws | spanish |
QS-P-031 | Wild Plants Harvesting Certification Policy | PDF | English | guidance-inspection inspection policies-procedures | english |
NQ-F-031 | Yearly Field Activity Log | DOC | English | certification-forms other-forms | english |